Monday, August 21, 2006


Is there somebody out there who really wants or needs a LARGER PENIS?

If so, I've been getting your email.

I'm very content with the penis I have. I never complain about it. It does its job. And the fellow attached to it is pretty damn cute!

Obviously there must be alot of folks out there that aren't happy with the penis they have. So unhappy in fact, that they are willing to buy something from a stranger who contacts them via email.

And speaking of which, what did everybody do before VIAGRA? Several times a day someone is trying to sell me Viagra. There simply aren't enough hours in a day to necessitate as much Viagra as they're pushing on me.

Why isn't someone trying to sell me something I need? Like what? Oh I don't know, I'll have to think long and hard about that...

I take offense that people who don't know me have the nerve to assume my sex life sucks.

Oh before I forget, to all you "spammers" out there - I don't need a mortgage either! I don't even own my apartment. I can barely pay the rent!

And yes, I think it's appropriately called "Spam". In the good old days I didn't want it in my ice box and now I don't want it in my Inbox.

However, to whomever is sending me the information about debt management - well, you've got it right. I have no idea where you got your information from, but yes indeed - I'm in need of some debt management. Or debt consolidation.

Because as you now know - a good penis I have, but a good job I don't.


At 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alot is two words


Thanks a million!

Being the Obsessive, Perfectionist personality that I am, I will now proceed to obsess about that a lot.

At 6:15 PM, Blogger chrisv said...

A quick joke:

Man goes into a Chemist and says "what is this thing called Viagra?", so the chemist tells him.

Man : "Oh right... can you get it over the counter?

Chemist: "Yeah but I have to take 5 of them"

Boom and indeed... boom.

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're the one whos been getting my mail!!??


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